"Thank you so much for the fantastic presentation Glenn!!! You covered flight dynamics really well!! Thank you so much"
- Kay Shoemaker, Middle School Science Teacher in Oregon
Thank you for your time and wisdom. It's always daunting and exhilarating to open a new book of vast and unfamiliar knowledge. It was also rewarding to watch your confident graceful hands at work. You have planted seeds that will grow."
- Bill Brown, Eli Whitney Museum
"Thanks so much for being our Community Reader today - the students really enjoyed your presentation! The kites were amazing!
- Middle School Teacher Grade 6 Language Arts/Social Studies
Thank you so much for being one of the few speakers willing to tackle, head-on, the application of math in students' lives. And your willingness to tailor the presentation around our current curriculum was above and beyond! Please come back again!"
- Adam Felzani, Teacher, MA
"Great presentation. Your math problems are perfect."
- 6th Grade Math Teacher
"Glenn brought the magic of kites to our Maine library in the middle of winter! He demonstrated a variety of amazing “walking kites” and provided a wealth of information for a mixed-ages audience. The indoor mini-kites created by participants all flew beautifully, and kids enjoyed flying them throughout every corner of our meeting space. Additionally, Glenn provided a sampling of kites of all types and sizes for a library display that cheered and intrigued patrons throughout the month."
- Pam Jenkins, Librarian, ME
"This was so great. We can not thank you enough."
- Jennifer Salmon, Parker Middle School, MA
“Hi! It was great! I wouldn't have changed a thing :) The kids really enjoyed it and they were talking after we disconnected about how they have now seen smallest kite ever...they were really impressed by those and how they worked and just the idea of indoor Kite flying in general. I truly can't thank you enough for taking the time to spend with my students... to volunteer and be so gracious about the entire thing did not go unappreciated.”
- Julie Tapia, 6th Grade, Illinois
"I keep hearing from parents on how their kids loved your performances."
- Kendra Griffin, Chicago, IL
"Glenn visited four of my science classes. His presentation and workshop went far beyond my expectations. ...a wonderful experience."
- Bob Breithaupt, Science, Salem, NH
"The residents were thrilled with the show. They thought it was fascinating and they are still talking about it and so is my staff. We were all pleased with your presentation."
- Diane Parks, ADC, Retirement
"Our Kids LOVED the presentation/workshop."
- Ashley Moore, Windham Middle School, NH
"One of the highlights of our entire programming year ."
-Ann Wilson; Groton Public Library, MA
"That guy had a lot of good advice and helped make our kite fly. The flying experience was awesome because we knew we made something that actually worked.”
- Student at Windham High School, NH.
"The kite presentation is one of the best presentations that I have ever seen for children this age.
- Carolyn Williams, St. Alcuin Montessori School, Dallas, Texas
"Absolutely Phenomenal!"
-Gay Sonn; Secular Principal, Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy, CT
"I would absolutely recommend this presentation to other schools because it is a truly excellent program that includes the much needed "hands on" component to learning."
-Bob Germann; Science Teacher, Parker School, MA
"I found it enjoyable and have fresh insights into aerodynamics. I was a semi-finalist in NASA's Teacher-in-Space Program and RRP for the Air & Space Museum, and never came across anything quite like what I saw yesterday."
-Ronald Reynolds, Bridgewater State College Physics Department, MA
"Our most successful registration yet for a family workshop"
- Fuller Craft Museum
"It was definitely worth the price."
-Bill Kane; Principal, Hedge Elementary School in Plymouth, MA
"Excellent presentation style, good classroom management skills, excellent preparation of materials, thoughtful instruction."
-Mark Powell, Upper Elementary Teacher & Curriculum Coordinator, Keystone Montessori School
"Your program was a wealth of information on kites and kite flying. You were interacting with the children, you demonstrated, you spoke about kites, you allowed students to take part, you interjected humor and music, and you flew kites indoors which I believe caught the attention of the children the most."
- Peter Silverman; Principal, Pakachoag School, Auburn, MA
"Mr. Davison thrilled the audience with his engaging style and demonstrations of different kites and their form and function."
- Jason Dimen; Teacher, Boxboro, MA
"I want to thank you for a delightfully uplifting program. All the staff who attended had similar thoughts and comments. The kids were energized and overflowing with ideas and excited about making a kite. You really reached them in many ways."
- Susan Eckel; Teacher, MA
"Glenn has done two Cub Scout workshops for me and is great! His kite talks are interesting to boys, siblings and parents."
- L. Woodward, Scout Leader, NH
"I enjoyed the lecture a lot. The students spoke of all of the different designs of kites. They were amazed at the little kites and how well they worked. I would recommend it to others. It is a great applied way of looking at kites, or while studying flight. Students like kites!"
- Tiffany Testa; Teacher, Parker Middle School, MA
"On behalf of the Hudson River Museum, I want to thank you over and over for your participation in the Kite Festival this past weekend in Yonkers, New York. The Kite Festival was a huge success, thanks in no small part to your contributions. To a person, The kite-flying people you brought in were fantastic! What a wonderful community of real, warm-hearted, generous-spirited people. Your own presentations were tremendous. You were well-prepared, organized and your talks were extremely interesting, both for the junior docents and the museum visitors. So many people expressed their admiration of your skills and their total enjoyment of everything you did, whether talking about kites or actually getting down there on the field and flying them!"
- Margaret Moulton; Manager of Public Programs, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York
"The kite convention gave me the opportunity to talk to many folks I otherwise would never have met. These included Glenn Davison during his excellent presentation on oddly shaped kites that still manage to fly."
- Raymond Bojarski in the newsletter of the South Jersey Kite Flyers, December, 2002
"You're really good! I've received many compliments from others who attended."
- Ollire Lane, Milford Middle School, Milford, NH
"He makes little eensy weensy kites, and also prototypes for very large ones. The variety of materials, not to mention raw creativity and talent, is incredible. "
- CT Home School Network
"Our High School students have been raving about you all over the building! Their favorite part of the presentation was the kite you flew indoors with no wind. I also had five students stay after school to build kites because of the presentation. They loved those tiny kites! Thanks again, so much, for visiting us with such enthusiasm and knowledge about kiting."
- Kelly, VT
"I was fascinated by your presentation at the Cub Scouts and so was my son - it was the first time he ever said he "loved" going to the meeting. The kites we made have been flown by both the adults and kids in the neighborhood."
- James M. Smalley, Merrimack, NH
"It was informative, but it was also engaging for 6th graders. You kept their attention with the kites you designed and flew. You spoke to their "age", instead of "over their heads." It also tied into our curriculum unit on flight. The kids absolutely loved it. I definitely enjoyed it myself."
- Melissa Walts; Teacher, MA
"At the 2006 annual meeting of the Science Teachers of New York State, Glenn Davison treated me and 40 other science teachers to a fascinating presentation of the physics of flight using kites. He did a fantastic job that excited the audience and made them part of his presentation. I've never seen such enthusiasm from an audience!"
- Herb Gottlieb, Member Science Teachers Association of New York State
"Great mix of art and science!"
-Erica Freund, Munroe Center for the Arts
"My kids visited the Physics of Flight demo, that Lowell Makes sponsored, and had a blast!"
-Cheryl Guerinov
"Your workshop classes were very well received and got great reviews."
- B. Meyer; Organizer of the Midwest Area Kite Retreat (MAKR) in Chicago, IL.